The 59th Annual Symposium hosted by Boeing will be September 30 – October 4, 2019 in Seattle, Washington, USA.
As always, this year's Symposium will offer the latest innovation in airline operations research and analytics. Various topics to be discussed include airline operations, airline strategy, cargo logistics, crew scheduling, e-commerce, information technology, OR management, revenue management, robust planning, and scheduling planning.
We have several exciting workshops planned for this year’s symposium,” Rodrigo Acuna-Agost, the Symposium Technical Co-Chair explains. “The main novelty for this year is that we will be more explicit in encouraging submissions on artificial intelligence and machine learning to enrich our technical program. We are aiming to grow the AGIFORS community with new members creating synergies on complementary fields. As a consequence, we will better serve the new challenges and emerging use cases originated by the increasing amount of data generated by the airline industry.”
Representatives from airlines, air transport associations, universities, industrial research labs, and consultants will discuss new ideas and present technical papers. The conference includes a vendor program for you to review the latest products. Come and share with us your ideas, thoughts, current trends, philosophies, and latest technological advances on any of the above or related topics.
For further details, visit the 59th Annual Symposium Event Page.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact:
Laurie Garrow